Sharing Cartflows Thank You Page URLs — We can't seem to find an order for you

Dave Shrein


Sharing Cartflows Thank You Page URLs — We can’t seem to find an order for you

Cartflows is a great checkout plugin for Woocommerce that allows for you to create individual checkout funnels complete with bump orders, upsells, and downsells.

When building your funnels within Cartflows you’ll most likely want to share the individual pages with peers for review, proofing, and approval.

Unfortunately, you cannot share upsell, downsell, and thank you page URLs with anyone who is not logged in to the site.

If you share a link to these pages the user will be met with the following message:

We can't seem to find an order for you
When you share a Cartflows Upsell, Downsell, or Thank You URL the person using that URL will see this page.


These pages require a parent order. Meaning, if you didn’t purchase the initial product, it won’t let you view the upsell, downsell, or thank you pages because there is nothing to upsell from, downsell from, or thank you for. You need an initial parent order for anyone not logged in to see these pages.

So what should you do if you need to share these pages with someone BUT you don’t want them to have to go through the transaction process in order to do so?

Take A Screenshot of Your Page

The first option you have is to take a screenshot and share that. To do this I’ve relied on a great plugin for Google Chrome called GoFullPage. A simple screenshot will only capture what’s currently visible in the browser. If there is content that you have to scroll down to see, the screenshot won’t capture that portion of the page. GoFullPage takes a picture of your page and allows you to download your page as a PNG.

GoFullPage is a free extension for Google Chrome and allows you to capture full screen shots of your pages, even content not visible without scrolling.

This is a fine solution, though users won’t be able to experience the page as others will who go through the sales process.

Give Site Access to WordPress

I wouldn’t recommend this, but you could give the person you want to share the page with an account via wordpress and allow them to log in. This solution is akin to trying to kill a mosquito with a shotgun: it’s overkill and dangerous.

If the person already has an account to your WordPress site it’s a no brainer… tell them to log in and share the link.

Otherwise, it’s probably best to share a screenshot or use the next example.

Share A Successful Order Unique URL

This is the workaround I’ve found and enjoyed for sharing the Thank You Page URL.

At the end of every completed transacation URL Woocommerce / Cartflows adds dynamic information related to the order. While this is a dynamic URL (meaning it will change for every person and every order) it is not an expiring URL. This means you can share it with people who need to preview the page.

Go through the process of creating a test order. When you get to the final Thank You Page, copy the URL.

The dynamic URL generated by Cartflows / Woocommerce is non expiring and is sharable with others.

Faithful & Fruitful is one of my businesses where I have partnered with a close friend to produce training materials for pastors in the Christian church. The URL for my test order on this site is like this:

You will notice that there are three url parameters that are provided in the link.

  • wcf-key=
  • wcf-order=
  • utm_nooverride=

Those fields are standard for every order but the information following the = for each one will change from order to order. Simply putting random numbers behind these parameters won’t work — it has to be the number for an authentic order.

Final Thoughts on Cartflows Dynamic URLs

My agency produces dozens Cartflows funnels every month and we employ all three of these suggestions. The third one, sharing non-expiring URLs, makes me feel like a tech ninja. I like that feeling.

No matter what you choose, good for you for wanting to get eyes from other people on your work.

Getting feedback from others is how we realize our full potential. Critical evaluation makes us better. It’s not fun having someone pick a part your work without any regard to whether it makes you better or not. But evaluation with the intent to help you improve and grow, that’s the type of feedback that will make you great.

Sharing Cartflows Thank You Page URLs — We can't seem to find an order for you

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