Mondays Suck but They’re Not About You

You probably have good reason for hating Mondays. Many people do. However, could our attitude on Monday reveal more about our character and our outlook on life than we give it credit for? What would it look like if you altered your perspective of why you work and why you are getting up and starting a new week every Monday.

This Periscope video may be exactly the kick in the pants you need to be fired up for Mondays.

Creating Images with Spruce

You no longer need to be a Photoshop expert to create stunning images to populate your social media feeds. Using amazing (free) tools that are completely web-based you now have the power to catch the eye of users as they scroll through each network feed – and catch their eye. In a time when a premium is placed on the visual it isn’t bad to have a simple tool like Spruce ready and waiting to execute your every command.

Oh and BTW, it’s custom made for the non-Photoshop user but… Photoshop experts will find it refreshingly simple as well.

Selling On Social Media Without Sounding Like a Salesman | Episode 005

In this episode of #dactalk Charissa and I take on a topic that is becoming more and more relevant to the every day person: Selling on social media. When you don’t know what to do you are relegated to taking pictures of a product you love, putting a whimsical caption about why you’re using it at that moment and then post it in hopes that someone will be interested.

While there is a place for that sort of post that place is located within a greater strategy. This episode isn’t about building a strategy from front to back but it is about what elements need to be present in your strategy if you hope to be effective selling on social.

How to Transition Out of Your Job | 30 in 30 with Justin Trapp

how to transition out of your job

Recently a new friend of mine, Justin Trapp, send me an email asking if I’d be willing to share my story on his 30 in 30 program. The whole concept, WHICH I LOVE, is Justin taking 30 days to interview 30 different influential leaders and I was honored to be invited to talk with Justin.